Thursday, April 21, 2016

Joy In Waiting

When I first created this blog is was intended for me (us) to document the journey of our pregnancy and the growth of our child. Well months have come and gone and I still haven’t got to start my journey. Ok, will I sort of have started my journey; it is just completely different than anything I ever imagined it would be.
         As time has passed I have become completely angry with God as to why this is happening to me. I have learned that there is no answer. So I would sit and ask him, “Why is this happening to me?” and “What did I do to deserve this?” and “If you are such a loving God why does this hurt so much?” I had become so numb to what God was saying to me that I wasn’t truly listening to him.
         One Sunday I finally listened to what he was saying, and that was if you love God and trust him then don’t worry about everyone and everything else. Over the next couple of weeks things started really feeling up. My spirit was so much lighter, I was happier, and even was enjoying life. But, the hurting was still here and I didn’t know what to do.
         Then, one day I met a friend for coffee over spring break and she gave me a devotional. This devotional started to change my life. It was so eye opening about my hurting and what I was doing about it. (which was nothing by the way) Since that day I am 4 weeks into it and my biggest takeaway has been I need to learn to have perseverance. I’ve learned that during my season of waiting I need to praise the Lord through prayer and conversation.
         As I am continuing this season of waiting I am learning to be joyful. I have become so thankful for the things that I have that I don’t need to let this hurt keep me down. We have taken the next step on this journey and we are hoping that over the next couple of months that we will get some answers.

Until then,

         Stay Tuned!